Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Oct 7 Augusta Raurica

The town of Augst Switzerland sits beside the Rhine river 7 miles east of Basel. 1700 years ago it was the site of a Roman city of 10,000 to 15,000 called Augusta Raurica. Some of the ruins remain and are undergoing active archeological research and preservation. There are numerous displays with signs describing the town.

An artists drawing of the city based on
the ruins and archeological research.

The original Roman colony was established
in 44 BC by one of Ceasar's military commanders.

Another (bronze) display  of the city.
An aquaduct leads in from the south.
The Rhine is  to  the  north.

A Theater (center) and a large rectangular forum with
City Offices (top) were located in the center of the city.

Artists depiction of the city forum area.

The forum area today with a facade where
the forum temple stood.

The theater ruins.

Some reconstruction has been done and the
theater is used for various educational events.

Some mosaics that were discovered and have
been preserved and placed on display in what 
was formerly the basement of the council hall.

Another artist rendition of the forum. The circle
is where the mosaics are displayed.

The mosaics are in (what was) the basement
of the round portion (the city council met in the
upper portion).
Note also the part outlined in blue.

Some ruins of the section outlined in blue.
(cleaned up and partially restored)

Some miscellaneous pictures of the ruins
and archeological finds.

Grave markers

Ruins of a publich bath house near the forum.

Artist rendition of the city's residential area
south of the theater.

What the area looks like today.

There was also an ampitheater on the outskirts of the town
where gladiator fights were held. After Christianity
came to the area,  the gladiator fights were halted.

Other miscellaneous views from the day.

From the bridge over the Rhine river in Rheinfelden.
In the center of the picture is a row of  windows 
in a white building directly over the Rhine.
We sat inside next to one of the windows with
Kurt and Ruth Krummen (Sandoz co-worker and
family friends from1982-85) for coffee and dessert.

Evidence  of fall.

A fall rose.