Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Friday, July 15, 2016

July 15 Lunch with Stephan and Karin Gagneux

$1,000 USD were exchanged for 939 CHF at the Kantonal Bank in Muttenz. The current interntional exchange rate is 0.98 CHF per USD so the bank charged abut 4%.
400 CHF were exchanged for 355 Euros at the Muttenz Post Office (they use the internation rate for exchanging CHF and Euros).
Well, now at least we have some "pocket change". :-).
Karin and Stephan Gagneux (pronounced "Gawn'-yer" invited us for lunch at 11:00. Since it is common in Switzerland to take a small gift to your hosts, we picked up some flowers at Aldi's and also brought along a book with images of Nebraska.
Karin taught Tiffany and Tami German at the primary school when we lived in Muttenz in 1982-3.
We were served appetizers at 11:00 followed by lunch at 12:30 (salad, a casserole, and an apricot dessert). Then after some more visiting and picture sharing, a lemon dessert.

Stephan's hobby is clock making. This is one of his pendulum clocks. The pendulums are enclosed in a case to prevent atmospheric pressure changes which could affect the pendulum frequency. A metal alloy that will not expand or contract with temperature was also used to prevent changes in the frequence due to changes in the size of the pendulums that could affect air friction or buoyancy. The clock is accurate to within 1 second per month. 

One side has Basel time and the other London time.

Stephan also installed an old Swiss church clock on the outside of their house.

Stephan and Karin - They were very gracious hosts and speak good English as they once lived in the U. S. for five years.