Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Monday, July 25, 2016

July 26 Ersigen Waldfest

Even though Switzerland is only 1/5 the size of Nebraska, it has 4 languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh). German is used in the greater part of the country. My German vocabulary is  limited to a few 100 words so I can not read newspapers or brochures. But there are some tools available that are very helpful. We have a German-English dictionary on our phones and we also have the Google Translation app. Using this app when connected to the internet, we can speak a sentence in English or German and the app translates it to the other language. With this app, I can also take a picture of German text and the app will translate it to English. A pretty amazing tool.
Last Sunday afternoon we attended a small festival near the village of Ersigen. 

The picture below shows the menu for beverages and food. The prices (in Swiss Francs) are very close to the cost in U.S. dollars. See if you can read some of it. I have added some translation below the picture.

"Forest Festival, Men's Choir, Ersigen
Sunday, 24 July, 1916

Mineral water (50 cl = 2 cups)
Wine white
Wine red
Coffee, Tea
Dishes from our grill
Cutlet with  bread
     Cutlet with french fries
Pork or grilled sausage with bread
Pork  or grilled sausage wth french fries
Cermelat = hot dog

For the preparation of the dishes, we only  use 
Swiss products and meat from local butchers."

Now - Here is  your Kaffee Creme - Enjoy

The Alphorn group  at the festival