Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19 Gletscherschluct (glacial gorge) at Rosenlaui

Across the valley from Hasliberg in a valley south of Meirigen is an attraction called the Gletscherschluct (glacial gorge) with a walking trail through the gorge. The water flows at about 3 cubic meters per second and the sound (due to the narrow gorge and high walls) is much like that of a jet plane. The round trip walk took about 1.5 hours.

Gletscherschluct = glacial gorge
A nature walk in the alps

Much of the gorge is very narrow as shown here.

The Swiss make efficient use of space. Many of the secondary roads are narrow (sometimes only wide enough for one car) but more often than not are paved with asphalt. This road led to the glacial gorge with turnouts very half mile or so. Much of the 10 km (6 mile) road to the gorge had switch backs.

This is haying season and the Swiss harvest hay from every possible hillside.  It does not seem to matter how steep the hill is. They will cut it, let it dry, and rake it by hand. This farmer was raking hay not far from the gorge.

The hay wagons (that pick up the dried hay) have a low center of gravity which allows them to drive on steep hillsides. Still -they seem to defy gravity, especially when turning sideways to the hill.