Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 16 Wehr, Bad Sackingen, Dinner with Krummens

I have gotten really good at using the German phrases "Entschuldigung. Konnen Sie mir bitte hilfen?" (Sorry. Could you help me please?) and "Ich bin von die USA und kann nur ein bischen Deutsch sprechen oder verstanden." (I am from the USA and can only speak or understand a little German). The usual answer is "No problem, how can I help you?"
We moved 15 miles to Wehr, Germany on Friday. Our hosts were Melanie and Thomas (plus 2 children and 2 dogs). Our apt in the lower level has a bedroom with a small table and an electric pitcher for heating water for tea (tea provided), a second room for our luggage, a small fridge in the hall, and a bath with shower, but no kitchen for $47 per night. Our breakfast and lunch consisted of fruit (peaches, apples, bing cherries, and a protein bar).
The pictures are of the house and bedroom (beds with duvets are common in Germany and Switzerland). The window below the balcony was in our bedroom.

Saturday morning we drove to Bad Sackingen (about 10 kilometers or 6 miles), walked along the Rhine to the Marktplaz (market plaza) in the center of town. Purchased some bing cherries (3.70 Euro per kilogram = $1.90 per pound).

We were invited to dinner with Kurt and Ruth Krummen (pronounced "crew'-men" in Ettingen. We stopped at Aldi's for flowers and also gave them a book with images of Nebraska. Virgil worked with Kurt at Sandoz in 1982-3 and we also lived with them for a month in 1985 during a business trip. They had a picture album with pictures of our family from both 1982-3 and 1985. Coffee and fruit cake and cherries at 3:30, dinner at 6:00, and dessert at 8:00. All on their patio. Left for Wehr at 9:00.

Picture of Tiffany, Tami, and Tori from their album.

Our girls with Sylvia and Beatrice Krummen 30+ years ago.

Kurt and Ruth Krummen