Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31 Lucerne and Schwyz

On Saturday we moved from Lauperswill in the Emmental region to a farm house overlooking Schwyz in central Switzerland. On the way, we made a stop in Lucerne to visit the old covered bridge and the Lion Memorial.

Flowers along the old covered bridge in Lucerne (aka Luzern).

Paintings under the roof of the old bridge.

View of the Alt Stadt from the covered bridge crossing the Reuss river.
The Reuss flows through the town out of Lake Lucerne.

The Lion Memorial (5 minute walk from the covered bridge).
Commemorates Swiss mercenary soldiers killed in the French Revolution.
(for details Google Lucerne Lion Memorial)

The sculpture itself is quite moving.

Road to the farm above Schwyz where we rented an apt for the week.
Our hostess is Frau Fassbind.
She is in her 80s but helps milk the cows in this barn morning and evening.
The cows are moved to and from the barn along this road.

The farm house (the apartment is on the lower level).
Frau Fassbind lives on the main level.

View from the farm to Lake Lucerne (on the left) and Schwyz below.
A smaller lake (Lauersei) is on the right.

The Gross (large) and Klein (small)
peak Mythen overlooking Schwyz.
There is a hiking trail to the top of Gross Mythen.

Schwyz is near the birthplace of the Swiss Confederacy.
The Swiss celebrate their National Day each year on August 1st.