Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Aug 10 Trin castle ruin

Switzerland is dotted with old castle ruins and Trin has one of its own (Google Canaschal Ruine). This was probably a lookout and communication tower. We took a walk down through the village and then up the path leading to the ruin. The history is uncertain but the internet says it dates to the 1400s or before.

A view on our way to the village center
The ruin is visible on the hill to the left

The ruin (above the church steeple)
(Borrowed this image from the internet)

The sign for the path to the ruin
It was about a 10 minute walk up an 
easy walking path

A spring not far below the ruin
with fresh cold water

The castle ruin looking back to Trin
We were able to step inside
(through the entry visible at the base)
The walls at the base were 2.5 yards thick

View from the castle ruin looking south
The Rhine river is faintly visible in the valley
The old Trin train station is near the river

Back in the village
The Trin ladies society made chickens that
are placed throughout the village
Just an effort to add a little local "color"
They have no special cultural significance

And finally - the ever present "blumen"