Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Aug 14 Weisstannental and Firewood

Just as in the Rocky Mountains, there are many roads in Switzerland that lead up valleys and eventually end and continue on only as walking trails. The difference is that in Switzerland the roads, while often narrow, are usually hard surface and there usually is a village with a hotel and restaurant for hikers and bikers where the road ends and the walking trails begin. And also, typically, an old village church. The hiking trails (wanderwegs) are well marked and indicate the time it takes to hike to various destinations.
Yesterday, a Sunday afternoon drive into the Weisstannental (Weisstannen valley) to the village of the same name. A few pictures from the day.

In the village of Berchis
(below the Weisstanned valley near Flums)

In the village of Weisstannen
(at the end of the road)

Just above Weisstannen near the end
of the road. There were farmers on the far
hillside meadows harvesting hay (barely visible 
as dots on the hillside).

Throughout Swizterland, firewood is collected for the winter.
It is always neatly cut and stacked.