Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Aug 12 Flims, Lake Cauma, and the Swiss "Grand Canyon"

Flims is a ski and summer resort 10 minutes up the valley from Trin (3,300 feet above sea level). There is a walking trail from the village that passes a turquoise lake (Lake Cauma) and after about 45 minutes of walking reaches a viewing platform that looks out over the valley to the Rhine. The signs along the trail indicate that several 1000 years ago, one of the largest land slides to ever take place in the Alps blocked the Rhine forming a lake in the valley, but over the years, the river washed away the dam. The Swiss refer to this as the "Swiss Grand Canyon" (fully recognizing it does not compare to the Grand Canyon in Arizona). Still, the viewing platform provides a unique view of the valley and the scars left from the land slide.

Lake Cauma from the walking trail.
The lake is fed from underground springs
The water temp is 68 to 74 F
There is an admission fee to swim or boat
The lake is a 10 minute walk from Flims

There is a modern dual cable lift from the trail to Lake Cauma.
As a counter balance, one lift goes up while the other goes down.
The lift is free but there is a fee to swim or boat at the lake.

The viewing platform overlooking the valley
(45 minute walk from Flims)

The view west from the viewing platform
showing some of the scars from the land slide

Looking down to the Rhine from the viewing platform.
A railroad bridge is visible on the left.

Another view looking away from the valley
not far from the viewing platform.
There was a restaurant nearby with a terrance 
busy with people having lunch.

A final note.
This is the private home we are staying in in Trin.
There are 52 steps from the car to our room
(37 to the house, 15 more to our room).
The lower windows to the right are next to the dining table.
When our hosts (Rob and Ingrid) leave for work
they leave a breakfast for us on the table (see Aug 8 post).
How many of us would be comfortable leaving 
total strangers alone in our home?