Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Aug 2 Swiss National Day celebration in Schwyz

Yesterday, we woke up to cows (with bells) grazing just outside of our kitchen window.

Schwyz held a community celebration (for the Swiss National Day) in a large white tent at a lake park called Seewen Bad.  The program started at 11:00 with a quartet playing instrumental music, then music by a jodeling club and a band, a welcome by the community president, a speech by a German - Swiss diplomat, and a free lunch consisting of salad and bread with a grilled brat and a rice dish.

Strings of Swiss flags are a common decoration
for the Swiss National Day

Instrumental Quartet in the Schwyz community event tent

Yodeling club

Community band

Kettles of rice dish ready to be served

Serving line

Brat with rice dish, salad and bread

That evening at 10:00 pm, there was a fireworks display on 
Lake Lucerne visible from our balcony.

This is a view of Schwyz from the south. The taller peak (Gross Mythen) rises 3300 feet above Schwyz. Now here is a challenge for you . . . if you zoom in on this picture, you can find a red building (actually a house) next to the forested hill that slopes down from the right (about 2/3 of the way down). The building is very small in the picture but has a distinct red color (it is the house you see in the picture above with the cows). Just to the left of the red house you will see a  grouping of buildings. That is the farm where we are staying.