Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Aug 20 Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a small country of only 62 square miles (20 miles from the south to north borders with a population of about 38,000 in 17 villages) situated between Switzerland and Austria. The castle overlooking the capital city of Valduz serves as the home to the royal family. It is the official residence of the Prince of Liechtenstein who shares power with the country's parliament. The government has close ties with both Switzerland and Austria.
Valduz is very modern with a pedestrian promanade that stretches for 1/2 mile from the newer parliment building through the main shopping district.

The Valduz Schloss above the city.
Believed to have originally been built
as a fortress in the 1200s with living
quarters added later.

A more romantic view
(borrowed from the internet)

The newer Liechtenstein Parliament building

Promenade starting at the Parliament 
building and leading to the shopping area.

Views along the promenade shopping district
(shops, sidewalk restaurants, and modern sculptures)

Chairs at a sidewalk restaurant
(coffee-cream anyone?)

Need walking shoes?

Shoe sale (149 CHF = $155)

A place for a "wanna be" Liechtenstein
prince or princess to have their picture taken
(at the travel information office)