Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Burger King, Farmers Market, Bad Ragaz, and Flumserberg

There are a few Burger King and McDonalds restaurants in the larger Swiss cities. This was the menu at the Burger King in Chur. The prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF) which are nearly the same as U. S. dollars. In Europe, a comma is used instead of a decimal point so 7 francs and 90 rappen (cents) is written 7,90 CHF.

The narrow street in the Chur Altstadt that last week had the food fair has a farmers market on Saturday mornings (much like the Haymarket in Lincoln). The main offerings are cheese, sausage, breads, and vegetables from local farmers.

Frohkartoffeln (early or new potatoes)
4.20 CHF per Kg
($1.90 per pound)

There are many modern gondolas and cable cars in Switzerland that are well used by the Swiss and tourist wanting to hike or bike or parasail the mountain trails and valleys. We stopped at a valley gondola station in Bad Ragaz to watch the gondolas and to listen to a Swiss accordian player playing at the station concession plaza in the afternoon. He was very talented and included some singing and jodeling with the audience sometimes joining in.

The view from the valley gondola station to the 
other side of the valley.

Riders with bikes getting ready too 
get on the gondola. A round trip ticket was
about $40 per adult. Bikers and hikers can 
purchase a one-way ticket for less.

The accordian player.
There was an audience of 20 to 40 people as 
they came and went from the tables.

A view from Flumserberg, a ski and summer 
resort above the valley where we are staying for the week. 
The drive to the valley takes about 15 minutes.
Bad Ragaz is visible below.
Who needs a gondola :-)