Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Monday, August 8, 2016

Aug 9 Arosa and reading signs in German

Arosa is a winter and summer resort at the end of a valley about 20 miles from Chur (The town of Arosa itself is similar in many respects to Vail Colorado). The road from Chur passes through several tunnels and navigating the 300+ mountain side curves and passing through the hillside villages was the main "adventure". 

Hillside village on the road from Chur to Arosa

Buildings and retaining walls are frequently
right next to the side of the road (or is it visa-versa?)

The lake in Arosa.

Part of the "challenge" for us is learning to read the signs and store advertisements. German words are sometimes similar to English (bread = brot, milk = milch) but most of the time, it is not obvious (at least not for us). Here are some pictures of signs in Arosa so you can see if you can figure out some of the words. I have written the translation below the picture.

Two signs outside of a grocery store

Milk Products

Wild - Dried Sausage
Alp Cheese
Pear Bread

A restaurant lunch sidewalk sign

Day - Hit
Ham in 
bread dough
with potato salad
17.50 Swiss Francs

Meter parking
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
max 60 minutes

We drive in Arosa . . .
30 killometers per hour (19 mph)

And finally, if you have been watching the Olympic Games, you should be able to figure this out (Note: German words are often the combination of two words).

The home of
Olympic medal winners
(with Olympic medal winners listed - this was on the Arosa sports center)

So - how did you do?