Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Monday, August 29, 2016

Aug 29 Obersalzberg History

Bad Reichenhall is 12 miles from Berchtesgaden (village) and Obersalzberg (region just above Berchtesgaden) where Hitler had his mountain home (Berghof). A quote from the internet: 

"It was on the Obersalzberg that Hitler made his home, along with Hermann Goering and Martin Bormann. High level meetings were held here, and many important decisions affecting the lives of millions were made by Hitler sitting in his mountain retreat, the Berghof. The government of Barvaria has removed most of the building associated with that period in an attempt to restore the area to its original pastoral atmosphere and, many suspect, to erase evidence of a disturbing period of their history."

An internet image of Hitler's Berghof
which was largely destroyed by a bombing 
raid shortly before the end of the war. 
The ruins have since been removed and
the area largely overtaken by trees.

It was raining so we spent most of the day sipping cappucino and emailing and Googling information about the Obersalzberg to prepare for a history tour wednesday that will include Hitler's Eagle's Nest, some of the bunkers, and a documentation museum.

The weather cleared in the late afternoon.

View from the apt kitchen window looking west.

View looking east after the rain stopped
(in the general direction of Berchtesgaden)