Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Aug 4 Engelberg and Bergenstock

First - I would like to thank all those who sent me happy birthday wishes yesterday. Central Switzerland was a great place to turn 72. The birthday wishes were the cake while Switzerland provided the icing on the cake. :-)
Last monday, while visiting the Schwyz museum, we learned that Switzerland has over 1200 miles of tunnels for trains and cars. That plus the cliff side roads are a testament to Swiss engineering. Yesterday we drove through (perhaps) a dozen tunnels and over several miles of cliffside roads on our 40 mile drive to Engelberg. One of the tunnels was roughly 6 miles in length. Engelberg is at the end of a valley that runs south from the lake of Lucern. Originally the setting for a monastery and since the later 1800s a popular mountain resort.
Since we do not have a set agenda for each day, we get up and have breakfast and look at the map and decide where to go for the day. I prefer to target the secondary roads and smaller villages as they are less congested and you never know what adventures you might discover off the beaten path - a castle, a stone covered bridge, or a remote hotel with a terrace view.
Yesterday, after exploring Engelberg, we decided to drive to Bergenstock, a point on the map with a view overlooking the lake of Lucerne. The gps said part of the route required a special permit - but the map only showed a narrow secondary road with no evidence of restrictions. Okay - what is the worst that can happen? We will come to a sign that says "permit required" and have to turn back. But our gps has a mind of its own which I have come to admire (most of the time). It took us on a route different from what I had anticipated on a twisting road leading up to Bergenstock. Near the top, where we expected to find a scenic view of the lake (according to the map), we drove into an area of extensive construction for new hotels. The road became very narrow and then came to a golf course (of which there are very few in Switzerland). The road became so narrow that it appeared we were on a path for golf carts (we met one). Finally I stopped and ask some golfers for directions. Fortunately they spoke excellent English and were able to confirm that we were on the correct road. A short distance further, the road widened again and there was a spot where several cars were parked along the road. So we parked to stretch our legs and then noticed the Hotel Villa Honegg on a nearby hill. We walked to the hotel and discovered a terrace overlooking the lake where we could sit and have a coffee-creme. Our waiter was a young man from Slovenia who spoke excellent English (he had worked in the states for a while) so we chatted with him for a few minutes. The hotel wi-fi was very strong so we sat on the terrace and took in the view and emailed some pictures and videos. A helicopter landed on a field about 100 yards from the terrace and a family came to the terrace. Not a bad way to travel.
Okay - enough already - on to some pictures.

An early 1900s promotion of Engelberg.
(The text below the picture is in English)

Pictures from the Engelberg museum with displays
typical of early valley life.

The Hotel Villa Honegg near Burgenstock

The hotel terrace (looking toward the hotel)

The view from the terrace to Lake Lucerne

We want one of these.  :-)