Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Friday, August 26, 2016

Aug 26 Innsbrucker Nordkettenbahnen

The alps have many cable cars to mountain peaks. The best known in Innsbruck is the Nordkettenbahnen. There are 3 separate rides from the Altstadt to the highest point. A newer and very modern rail tram takes you to the 2nd station. Then another cable car takes you to the highest point with a view south to Innsbruck and north toward Germany.

Street ad for Nordkettenbahnen.

View south to Innsbruck from the 2nd station.

View from the highest station looking 
down to station #2.

The view east from the higher station.

View toward Germany from the higher station.
A walking trail leads from the higher station to 
the highest  point (15 minute walk).

On the walking trail.

Barb with Carla Watson on a viewing bench
for the north kette (Nordketten) mountain range.
(John and Carla were also traveling in Austria and
by coincidence we were able to hook up for this day).

Back in Innsbruck.
The Franz Joseph palace.