Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Aug 13 Modena

Modena is famous for its basalmic vinegar (aceto balsamico in Italian) made from white Trebbiano grape juice and aged in barrels (it originated in Italy). So we made a stop on the way from Pisa to Vicenza. Some views:

A basalmic plant in Modena.
The sales office was inside the main entrance.

There were a number of basalmic products
The price depended on the age and recipe.
The products that were totally natural (from
the grapes alone and not mixed with anything) 
and aged the longest were the more expensive.

They offered free taste testing
(a few drops was all that was neeed)
These two products had been aged
for 25 and 50 years.
(and were therefore the most expensive)

A lane leading to the Villa San Doninno.
(another basalmic producer)

Changing topics.

Some views of the iconic trees of Tuscany.
(These images borrowed from the internet)

The Italian Cypress
(can live for up to 2000 years)
Frequently in groupings or in lines but
not often along the roads as seen here.

The Stone Pine.
Many lined the roads forming a canopy near Pisa.
(we dubbed them the "broccoli tree")