Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Friday, September 2, 2016

Sept 2 Part 3 - Obersaltzberg Chalet and Berchtesgaden Altstadt

We located a chalet we had stayed in sometime in the 1980s while on a business trip to Swizerland. The other pictures are from the Altstadt (old city) part of Berchtesgaden.

Vacation chalet on the Obersalzberg mountain
(about 3 km from where Hitler had his Berghof)
where we stayed in 1983 or 1985.

I have a picture of Barb beside this
trough from our stay there in the 1980s.

The owner (Lisl) has lived there for 50 years
so she would have been our hostess in the 1980s.

Some view of the Altstadt in Berchtesgaden

WWI and WWII memorial paintings

"The fallen sons of the community  of Berchtesgaden"

"You gave your lives, We are reminded of your sacrifice."