Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sept 15 Vicenza country side

Thursday was overcast with occasional rain so we took a driving tour through the country side and hills near Vicenza. There was a long tunnel on the way back with a 2 Euro toll. I was confused at the toll pay station (I can not read or understand any Italian from the speaker). There was a bucket (of sorts) tilted toward the car so I tossed in a 2 Euro coin. That did not work (I think it was possibly a can for trash). So I pulled out my credit card and put it in a slot and held my breath. Walla - the card came back and the toll gate went up. One more little adventure in a foreign land. I wonder how much they collect from those "trash" cans. :-)

We stopped for a picnic lunch in a small hill top
village called Monteviale.
There was a small memorial at the town center.

This plaque  reads

"In memory of those who, at any time,
have died for peace in the world."

A plaque with names of soldiers who
died in WWI or WWII

One additional plaque read
"In memory of our fellow citizens civilian and military
deported to Nazi concentration camps
in the period 1943 - 1945"