Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Friday, September 23, 2016

Sept 23 Venice

The train from Treviso takes you directly into
Venice (6.70 Euro round trip).

In  Italy, once you purchase a train ticket, you must validate
it before boarding the train. There are fines if you fail to do so.

The validating machine is near the train boarding area.
You slip you ticket into the slot and it stamps it with time
and date and location.

Venice is so unique it escapes any meaningful description.
It is impossible to capture the city or the experience
with pictures. These images only provide a taste.

From a bridge over the Grand Canal near the train station.
Note: If you Google "Map of Italy", you can zoom in to Venice
(Venezia in Italian) to see the layout of this island city and how
the Grand Canal winds through it.

Everything is delivered in and out of the city by boat or
on foot with carts.

Canals, Gondoliers, and Gondolas.

Venetian Masks

Other misc views

Italian ties.

A few beggars
(saw three - all ladies - all dressed alike)

Rialto Bridge
One of the few bridges across the Grand Canal.
It took 3 years to build and opened in 1591.

The Grand Canal is like a highway continually busy with boats.

Restaurant beside the Grand Canal.
There are many sidewalk cafes where you can stop for
a coffee or beverage and rest your feet.

And for lunch an Italian pizza
with a Coke (11.70 Euro)

A "visual overload" but perfect weather
for a day in Venice (Vinezia in Italian).