Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Aug 6 Driving to Lucca and Montecarlo

It is 370 km (230 miles) from Cavedine to Lucca, most of it by way of the Italian freeway which is similar to the U. S. interstate but with tolls. The toll is roughly 10 Euro per 100 km so a 22.40 Euro ($25) toll yesterday. We left the mountains and traveled across an open plain that reminded us of Nebraska and then entered the Tuscany region. On the way, we noticed that the grape harvest had started in some vineyards and before we entered the freeway, we twice passed a farmer pulling a large wagon full of grapes.
Driving the freeway is a lot like the Nebraska interstate. And just like the USA, Italy has its share of what I refer to as "hamburgers" (agressive and impatient drivers that tailgate and have little respect for the speed limit). On the other hand, the truck drivers (there was almost a continuous line of trucks) are required to stay in the right lane. The truckers drive at about 90 km/hr (55 mph) and the left lane is reserved for cars (many of which seem to be practicing for Grand Prix). So you have to stay alert and keep checking the rear view mirror when in the left lane as some cars go much faster than the 130 km/hr (80 mph) limit and can approach very quickly from behind.
As we approached the Tuscany area, we drove through an almost endless series of tunnels. We lost count at 16 and several were at least a mile in length.
Montecarlo (not the famous town) is a small village (with an ancient castle/fortress) perched on a hill covered with olive trees 12 miles from Lucca. We stopped there for a break and to walk a bit and found a small gelato cafe with free wi-fi, so sat just outside the cafe at a small table, had a coffee and a gelato and did some emailing.

A view not far out of Cavedine
(to Lago di Garda = Lake Garda)

Olives at the village of Montecarlo
(the hill was pretty much covered with olive tree groves)

Looking back to the entrance into the village.
(a narrow street that led to the fortress behind us)

View of the plain from Montecarlo.
(with a Pizza restaurant in the foreground)

A street side restaurant across from the gelato cafe.

Other images from the village.

For  some good images of the castle/fortress and the village
Google "images of montecarlo italy".
(Montecarlo is one word)