Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Monday, September 5, 2016

Aug 5 Trento

The city of Trento (Trent in English) is 14 miles from Cavedine by the valley road. The Council of Trent was held there between 1545 and 1563.  After spending the morning in Cavedine, we drove another road that goes up and over the mountains to Trento and walked in the old part of the city.

A few more views in Cavedine.

Laundry Day - Drying clothes on the 2nd floor terrace.

Monday market fruit stand in the village.

Sign on village parking lot says
"Monday for Market"
"7:30 - 1:30"
No parking with the possibility of
having your car towed.

A view of Cavedine from the south.

One of the old garden walls in the village.

Host's cat on the terrace.

There is a winding road that goes up over the
mountains to Trento.
(The GPS guided us)

View of the valley we drove on Sunday.
Toblino Lake and the Castle is on the right.
Valley vineyards in the center.

Looking south toward Cavedine and Arco.
The ramp in the lower part of the picture.
Is that a take-off ramp for parasailing?

Going down the other side of the mountain.
A lot of it in 1st gear to save on the brakes.

Some views in the old part of Trento (Trent)

Cobble stone plaza by the old church.

Back in Cavedine - ladies across the
village courtyard waiting for the bus.

The clothes are dry.
Picked some Concord grapes from the
terrace vine for a pre-dinner snack.