Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Aug 8 Corniglia

Corniglia is on the west coast of Italy in a region known as Cirque Terra (five lands). It is one of 5 villages that cling to steep slopes beside the Mediterranean Sea. A winding mountain road leads to the villages.

View of one of the five cities from the road.

Approaching Corniglia

Views in the village

The path leading to our room.

View to the village from the path leading to the
room where we stayed.

Inside the bedroom - clean and renovated
using some of the old building walls.

In the bathroom

The entrance to a narrow walkway through the village.
It was about 2 blocks to a terrace that looked out
to the sea.

Views along the walkway through the village.
There are small shops along the pathway.

Post cards for 0.60 Euro (68 cents).

A small courtyard restaurant along the walkway
through the village.

There are colorful menus beside the restaurants.

A cat focused on a pigeon.

Some locals along the pathway through the village.

Views from the terraces
Another village just visible in the distance.

A few more views in the village.