Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sept 17 Mojstrana and Bled

Mojstrana is a small village 10 miles west of Bled, a popular tourist spot with a scenic lake and medieval castle high on a precipice overlooking the lake.
The vacation apartment we rented in Mostrana is on the 2nd (kitchen), 3rd (living room), and 4th (bedroom) floors.

View of the village of Mojstrana.
(prononunce Moy-strana)

View of Dovje opposite Mojstrana in the valley.

These hay drying racks (still used some)
are common in the area.

The Mojstrana vacation apartment.
The building has a total of 6 apartments.

Balconies on the 2nd and 3rd levels.
The bedrooms are under the peaks on the 4th level.

View of living area on 3rd floor.
The stairs on the far end go to the bedrooms.

Stairs to the 4th floor bedrooms.

Bedrooms on the 4th floor.
South bedroom.

North bedroom.
Yes - I had to duck.
I could have made good use of a bike helmet. :-)

View from the 2nd floor balcony.

The forecast called for rain all day but the skies
cleared about noon so we drove to Bled.

Views of Lake Bled and Bled Castle.

Hand rowed ferries transport people to various
destinations around the lake and to 
an island with a church.

View of Lake Bled
 (borrowed from the internet)

View of Lake Bled island with the church
(borrowed from the internet)

View from the Bled Castle.

A bride and groom coming into Bled Castle.
(possibly for a reception?)

We drove a back road from Bled to Mojstrana.
(much of it unpaved)
Some unexpected finds along the way.

Back in Mojstrana - dinner at a nearby cafe
(one of the  few times we have not prepared our own meal).
The food here is  both good and about 40%
of the cost for the same dishes in Switzerland.

On the outside of the cafe.


Our cook and waitress.

Schnitzel and Fries - hard to beat when
you are hungry.
(22 Euro for 2 main dishes, 2 salads, apple juice and a Coke)
I ordered the apple juice without knowing what it was
(jabolcni sok)