Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sept 16 Slovenia

Slovenia has borders with Italy (west), Austria (north), Hungary (east), and Croatia (south). It has only been an independent country since 1991 (before that it was part of Yugoslavia). The (primary) language is Slovenian and the currency is the Euro. It is about 1/4 the size of Nebraska and is noted for its scenic mountains and lakes. The names of some towns seem to have too few vowels but the letter "j"  is silent or pronounced like a "y" or an "e". The name of the capital Ljubljana is pronounced "Lube-lee-awn-aw". The name of our hostess Janja is pronounced "Yawn-yaw".

A river bed beside the road on the way to Slovenia.
Like the Platte River, a lot of the water flows underground.
In some places, the river bed is almost 2 miles wide.

A church in the village of Tarvisio, Italy.
(10 miles from Slovenia's border)

Old fortification towers beside the church.
The fortification walls are mostly gone.

Tomb markers on the wall beside the church.
The oldest we found was from the 1700s.

The other side of this historical marker beside
the tower was in Slovenian and this side was in English
(for those who are interested in a little history).

A steady rain started on our way to our accomodations
in the village of Mojstrana 22 miles into Slovenia.

The forecast is for rain for the next 7 days.
We may only be able to view much of Slovenia
by way of Rick Steve's travel videos. :-)

150 meters from the border.

View from a restaurant in Kranjska Gora
(coffee break - 2 coffees for 2.40 Euro)